Spraying the Rays

The Alternative Radiographer

30 October 2009

Archaeology News

Recent excavations following building work in Twickenham have unearthed some important artefacts. Archaeology correspondent Doug Gently reports:

Hello readers!

Have a look at this:

Thought to date from the mid to late 20th century, this unremarkable piece of green cardboard has been identitifed by experts as a token of admission to an musical event, or a "concert ticket" as it would have been known in the dialect of the time.

But this wasn't just any concert. Using the latest technology, (a technique known as "looking at the date") historians have managed to pinpoint the date of this event as Tuesday 17th February 1976. This was in fact the first concert or "gig" attended by a man who soon afterwards became a legendary guitarist and blogger: Stray "Hairfix" Photon.

But here was more to come. At the same site an unsuspecting archaeology student retrieved this scrap of paper:

Amazingly well preserved, it is thought to be a receipt for the first ever guitar owned by Mr Photon. Now on show at the Hull Museum of Culture (the locked up corrugated shack in the King Billy car park), the significance of this artefact cannot be overestimated. Only 6 months after seeing guitarist Mr Bill Nelson, a leading travelling minstrel of the age, a , the young Photon has saved his pennies to acquire an instrument of his own.

And thus a legend was born.

(Mind you, it could have been that Kid Strange from Doctors of Madness...)

Next Week: My First Bongos: first in a new series exclusive to Spraying the Rays: famous bloggers talk about their first percussive experiences.

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At 9:48 pm, November 05, 2009, Anonymous Frank (curator of British Museum, England) said...

Dear Mr Futon,
I would be very interested in purchases your historical ephemera for display in our basement section. Please let me know, enclosing used notes in the enclosed brown paper envelope (please use reputable courier company becos of postal strike, amen)

At 11:50 pm, November 06, 2009, Blogger Istvanski said...

Was this The Doctors of Madness line up featuring Dave "Belfry" Vanian? Hard to say if it was 1976, Dave may have rejoined them after The Damned's first split. My biographical knowledge of the latter has gotten rusty as all I ever do is listen to The Ariels back catalogue these days.

At 1:04 am, November 07, 2009, Blogger Stray Photon said...

I'm pretty sure Mr V. wasn't involved at this stage. Interesting to see Richard Strange's website makes more of his contribution to popular culture through (ahem) contemporary dance than music...the same path trodden by Jimmy Pursey...maybe we should all be thinking along these lines, so remember; keeeep dancing!


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