Spraying the Rays

The Alternative Radiographer

29 September 2006


Hull's European dream ended last night when the popular entertainer woke up from his reverie about Paris, France, and all that.

Did you know they have a different word for everything over there?

(apparently it's tout)

Next week: Morecambe see opportunity on Continental tour.

(Note: This is a very old post)


At 3:08 am, September 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rod Hull...wasn't he that geezer that gone done for having his arm up a birds a**e up to his elbow in public?

At 3:40 am, September 30, 2006, Blogger Howesy said...

You know he might not have fallen if he'd not had that silly bird under one arm.

At 9:05 pm, September 30, 2006, Blogger Istvanski said...

He had one arm up his bird's arse and the other was being used to wave to Peter Taylor.

At 9:26 am, October 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often wonder what programme he was trying to watch when he fell...was it 'Rogue Traders'?

At 6:57 pm, October 03, 2006, Blogger Molly Bloom said...

I'm less worried about the a++se and more worried about the guitar abuse.

I'm not letting you loose with my bul-bul terrang matey.

Be kind to geetars. You never know when you might need one. I like geetars. I wish I could play one. I can only play pianos, bul-bul terrangs and also a harmonica.

I was borrrrrrn under a wanderinggggg starrrrr.

The relevance of this comment is unknown. I'm sorry. I do apologise. I haven't had any fun all week and it's getting me down.

1. Morecambe and Wise special please.

At 6:58 pm, October 03, 2006, Blogger Molly Bloom said...

My friend did a copy-cat of Rod Hull and ended up in Hull city jail for a night.

The bird was alive.

At 8:55 pm, October 03, 2006, Blogger Istvanski said...

When I said: "He had one arm up his bird's arse" I was of course reffering to the puppet that attacked Michael Parkinson.

At 8:57 pm, October 03, 2006, Blogger Istvanski said...

....no, I don't mean the puppet had his arm up another puppet's arse, I meant...of forgetabout it.

I'm starting to confuse myself now.

At 9:31 pm, October 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest I think the end came for Rod Hull and Emu when Emu stuck its wing up Rod's a**e...the kids were really frightened. I'll never set foot in Butlins again.

At 9:53 pm, October 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Molly Bloom...I love the twang of an old geetar meself and burn with envy at those who somehow make something melodic sound from 6 strings (or 12 if you have 20 fingers) and a piece of wood...it's agin the laws of nature, as me old pappy used to say...its the devils music my mam used to shriek, horns on her head jigging away with the rest of her head around that fire...I was educated at home in the bayou...me gran daddy was a snake preacher, but died during his first ever sermon..mean 'ol rattler...tasted good though afterwards, and so did the rattler..mighty fine eating. You play harmonica Molly..thats mighty fine...I learnt to play too, but had no harmonica for years so just brrrrrr'ed my lips and sounded like I ate only beans...yeah we was poor...not dirt poor though, just slightly scuffed poor. And the ol' peeeano...ye hah! Hot diggety...sorry, I just picked up a scalding cup of coffee there...

At 12:08 am, October 08, 2006, Blogger Howesy said...

Oooooooooh lordy
Ooooooooooh lordy

I was born a poor black child....

If this is out there, think what else is out there....

At 3:17 am, April 27, 2013, Anonymous plasterer croydon said...

rplasterer croydon
Since discovering that I lived in the middle of the site of an historic artistic community, I have been on a fascinating journey following the trail of the Haslemere peasant arts. A story that needs to be told!


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